CLICK HERE > Learn more about Prematria's Prenatal Vitamin with Folic Acid and Omega-3 Fish Oil Softgel containing 100% of the recommended dietary supplements before, during and after pregnancy.

Prematria Foundation supports maternal and infant health.

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Prematria Foundation vision is to decrease the rate of preterm birth and premature births.

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Prematria Foundation improves maternal and infant health through awareness, prevention and treatment which research shows decreases preterm birth.

Click Here to Donate to Prematria Foundation at gofundme

Prematria Foundation makes aware the benefits of prenatal care before during and after pregnancy.

Click Here to Donate to Prematria Foundation at gofundme

Prematria Foundation makes aware all the recommended nutritional supplements before during and after pregnancy.

Click Here to Donate to Prematria Foundation at gofundme

Prematria Foundation Research uses artificial intelligence to quantify a woman's risk for having a preterm and premature birth.

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Prenatal Vitamin with Folic Acid. Prenatales con Ácido Fólico.

Prenatal Omega-3 Fish Oil. Prenatales Aceite de Pescado Omega-3.

Recommended dietary supplements before, during and after pregnancy.


Research supporting multivitamin use before and during pregnancy to promote healthy births.

Research of how Folic Acid promotes healthy neural tube support.

Research of how Omega-3 fish oil supports healthy gestation, birth weight, brain and eye development.

Research of how Choline supports brain development